SciBase Holding är en medicinteknisk koncern som fokuserar på att förbättra och effektivisera cancerdiagnostik, främst inriktat mot behandling och upptäckandet av diverse melanom. Bolaget har utvecklat elektrisk handhållen sond som analyserar mätsignalen för att upptäcka specifika förändringar i kroppens hudvävnad.
18 Sep 2020 PRIVATE EQUITY · SC makes growth equity and control investments in companies where it believes it can add material value based on its
CEO Simon Grant presenterar bolagetDisclaimer: Syftet med Aktiespararnas eventverksamhet är att utgöra en mötesplats mellan företag och investerare. Eveneman SciBase Holding AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells cancer diagnostics instruments. Its products Nevisense and Nevisense View are used for the detection of malignant melanoma. The company's geographical segment includes Europe/ Rest of the World and Other.
Simon Grant. Chief Executive SciBase Holding AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the medical equipment industry. The Company specializes in the manufacture of point of care device, called Nevisense, which is aimed to detect of malignant melanoma. SciBase AB. Mailing Address PO Box 3337 103 67 Stockholm Sweden. Visiting Address Landsvägen 39 172 63 Sundbyberg Sweden.
Hos Lysa investerar du i både aktier och fonder till låga avgifter SciBase Holding är en medicinteknisk koncern som fokuserar på att förbättra och effektivisera cancerdiagnostik, främst inriktat mot behandling och upptäckandet SciBase Holding AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells cancer diagnostics instruments.
SCIB Scibase Holding Rekyl och eventuellt läge att fylla på eller gå in i aktien nu för er som missat tidigare. Fin uppsida, men sjävklart viktigt att ni
Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid. Discover a vast selection of companies with in depth analysis provided by a team of experts. SciBase Holding AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells cancer diagnostics instruments.
SciBase Holding AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells cancer diagnostics instruments. Its products Nevisense and Nevisense View are
Delårsrapport januari - juni 2021. 2021-11-11. Delårsrapport januari - september 2021. Läs mer. Senaste pressmeddelandena. 2021-04-09 09:00. SciBase publicerar årsredovisning för 2020.
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, - April 12, 2021 - SciBase Holding AB ("SciBase") [STO:SCIB], a leading developer of augmented intelligence-based solutions for skin disorders, announced today the publication of a new clinical study supporting SciBase's strategy to develop multiple clinical applications for the Nevisense and Nevisense Go platforms. SciBase Holding AB ("SciBase") (STO:SCIB), a leading developer of augmented intelligence-based solutions for skin disorders, announced today that both the Journal of the American Academy of
Holdings in SciBase: Holder of 16,738 shares. Independence: Thomas is independent in relation to the Company, management and to the Company’s major shareholders. The SciBase share.
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Chief Executive SciBase Holding AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the medical equipment industry.
SciBase Holding AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells cancer diagnostics instruments. Its products Nevisense and Nevisense View are used for the detection of malignant melanoma.
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SciBase secures SEK 75 million · Malin Otmani. December 15, 2017. SciBase Holding announces that the … Examin_Arm_Nevisense-melanoma · MedTech
SciBase AB. Mailing Address PO Box 3337 103 67 Stockholm Sweden. Visiting Address Landsvägen 39 172 63 Sundbyberg Sweden. Phone: +46 8 410 620 00 Fax: +46 8 615 22 24 E-mail General Enquiries: E-mail Orders: SciBase office in Germany: Köp aktien Scibase Holding AB (SCIB). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage.
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