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Spinova Unload Classic relieves the lumbar spine by moderately reducing lordosis. This alleviates pain and supports the healing process. The orthosis is based on a modular design and has elements that can be removed as part of multi-stage therapy.

Multifunksjonell ortose for reduksjon av lordose i korsryggen. Ortosens broramme fordeler (jevner ut) kreftene, som virker på ryggsøylen, på brystvirvelsøylen, samt på bekkenet og korsbenet. Dette fører til delordosering av korsryggen. Mage-pelotten komprimerer området rundt magen og hjelper dermed også å rette opp ryggen og avlaste lumbalområdet. Egenskaper Enkelt og kraftbesparende Spinova Unload-Plus. Zum Online Shop.

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• La construction de la nouvelle Spinova Unload Plus permet de réduire une lordose lombaire et de limiter les mouvements rotatifs. • Le système de sangles de traction Spinova permet au cadre de transfert de force d’avoir un effet optimal et une application ciblée de la force. - Die Spinova Unload Plus mit Überbrückungsrahmen reduziert eine Lendenlordose. Der Überbrückungsrahmen verteilt (überbrückt) die auftretenden Kräfte auf Brustwirbelsäule sowie Becken und Kreuzbein. Spinova® Unload Plus Rückenorthese zur zielgenauen Entlastung der Lendenwirbelsäule, vor allem der Wirbelhinterkante Spinova Unload Plus umschließt deinen gesamten Rumpf mit einem Gewirk aus luftig-elastischem Material und unterstützt die Lendenwirbelsäule.

Pour que la pression circonférentielle thérapeutique reste constante lors de la mise en place de la ceinture, il est possible de régler à l'aide d'une clé dynamométrique, la puissance de la force appliquée grâce à la tension de la sangle. Corsé Spinova Unload Plus. Ortesis multifuncional para la reducción de la lordosis lumbar.

Spinova® Ortesis de espalda - El sistema Spinova es un concepto innovador de los productos de Spinova® Immo Plus Spinova® Unload Classic.

korak: (faza stabilizacije) Orteza se koristi zajedno s ljuskom radi učinkovitog postoperativnog ili prvotnog konzervativnog osiguranja segmenata. Spinova Immo Plus temporarily immobilizes the lumbar spine and relieves pain. The lumbar orthosis extends up to the lower thoracic spine (up to TH10) and reliably protects against damaging rotational movements.

Spinova Unload Plus encloses your entire torso with a fabric made of airy elastic material and supports the lumbar spine. A lightweight, cushioned bridging 

Spinova unload plus

With Spinova, Bauerfeind is presenting the latest generation of back orthoses for Spinova Unload Plus, with its bridging frame, reduces lumbar lordosis, while  Bauerfeind Faja Lumbar Spinova Unload Classic.

Spinova unload plus

Spinova Immo Plus Classic Bauerfeind κηδεμόνας οσφύος spinova immo plus classic bauerfeind ορθοπαιδικά ορθοπεδικά 212.80 € Spinova Support Plus stabilizes the lumbar spine with its large back pad and protects it against incorrect movements. What were the results? Dr. Rommelspacher: The EMG showed no significant differences between the orthosis-wearing and non-orthosis-wearing patients. This meant that the orthosis was not found to negatively affect muscle regeneration. Spinova® Immo Plus Classic Orthosis for immobilizing and stabilizing the lumbar spine with a mobilization function Following surgery on the lumbar spine, such as for vertebral displacement (spondylolisthesis) or spinal canal stenosis, mobilization of the muscles of the back can be promoted with varying degrees of intensity using the modular orthosis Spinova Immo Plus Classic. Spinova Unload Plus para reducción de lordosis lumbar es una ortesis multifuncional ligera y cómoda que ayuda a enderezar la columna aliviando la región lumbar. Su sistema de cinturones de tracción incorpora un novedoso cierre de cintas.
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$2,250.00. Spinova® Immo Plus Back Brace.

Spinova® Support Plus Classic 50.
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Spinova® Unload Plus Back orthosis for targeted relief of the lumbar spine, especially the posterior edges of the vertebrae Spinova Unload Plus encloses your entire torso with a fabric made of airy elastic material and supports the lumbar spine.

Impressum. ORTHO-TEAM AG I Spinova Immo Plus Classic Bauerfeind κηδεμόνας οσφύος spinova immo plus classic bauerfeind ορθοπαιδικά ορθοπεδικά 212.80 € Spinova® Immo Plus Classic Orthosis for immobilizing and stabilizing the lumbar spine with a mobilization function Following surgery on the lumbar spine, such as for vertebral displacement (spondylolisthesis) or spinal canal stenosis, mobilization of the muscles of the back can be promoted with varying degrees of intensity using the modular orthosis Spinova Immo Plus Classic.

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PodoBudget Spinova Support Plus Instructie Video. PodoBudget Spinova Support Plus Instructie Video.

Spinova Unload Classic umschließt deinen gesamten Rumpf mit einem funktionellen Netz aus luftig-elastischem Material und richtet ihn auf. Der Überbrückungsrahmen mit seinen Stäben wirkt deinem Hohlkreuz entgegen.